Highlighting Shooting Opportunities in Football

Highlighting Shooting Opportunities in Football


  • Ilias Loutfi CIPER, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Luis Ignacio Gómez-Jordana CIPER, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Angel Ric Complex Systems in Sport Research Group, Institut Nacional d’Educacio Fisica de Catalunya (INEFC), University of Lleida Spain
  • João Milho CIMOSM, ISEL, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal


High Tech Video Cameras for Football, Football, Heat Maps, Time and Space, Copositioning, Attack Patterns


The purpose of the present study was to create a two-dimensional model which illustrates a landscape of shooting opportunities at goal during a competitive football match. For that purpose, we analysed exemplar attacking subphases of each team when the ball was in the last 30 m of the field. The player’s positional data (x and y coordinates) and the ball were captured at 25 fps and processed to create heatmaps that illustrated the shooting opportunities that were available in the first and second half in different field areas. Moreover, the time that the shooting opportunities were available was estimated. Results show that in the observed match, most of the shooting opportunities lasted between 1 and 2 s, with only a few opportunities lasting more than 2 s. The shooting opportunities did not display a homogenous distribution over the field. The obtained heatmaps provide valuable and specific information about each team’s shooting opportunities, allowing the identification of the most vulnerable areas. Additionally, the amount, duration, and location of the shooting opportunities have shown significant differences between teams. This customizable model is sensitive to the features of shooting opportunities and can be used in real-time video analysis for individual and collective performance analysis.

—  Persistente identifier of Issue 2023 OLYMPIKA MAGAZINE - VOLUME 1 ONLINE - Nº. 001: ark:/40019/oly.v1i1
— Persistente identifier of this article: ark:/40019/oly.v1i1.2.g4



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How to Cite

Loutfi I, Gómez-Jordana LI, Ric A, Milho J. Highlighting Shooting Opportunities in Football. OlyMag [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];1:e001-02 ark:/40019/oly.v1i1.2.g4. Available from: https://olympika.org/index.php/Olympika-Magazine/article/view/2



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