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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors must verify the submission's compliance with the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules may be formatted by the editors. Journal subscribers are entitled to the editorial assistance service for formatting their texts in accordance with publication standards for scientific articles.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • OLYMPIKA MAGAZINE adopts the Vancouver system for formatting citations and references. Also known as the author–number system (like Harvard), it is a citation style that uses numbers in the text, that refer to numbered entries in the reference list. Author-number systems have existed for over a century, and over that time, they have been one of the main types of citation style in scientific journals. The main advantage of the Vancouver style is that the text can be read more easily and fluidly, without the intrusion of quotes in the middle of the text. The reader can also check references, as they read the text, without having to search the alphabetical list for the first author of a specific reference.
  • To review best practices and ethical standards in the conduct and reporting of research and other material published, we suggest following the recommendations of the ICJME - International Committee of Medical Journal Editors . We adopt authorship criteria that include three guiding elements: 1) substantial contribution to the conception, design or collection, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) writing or critical review of data; and 3) final approval of data for publication. These three criteria must be met to claim authorship. OLYMPIKA MAGAZINE evaluates the author's ethical commitment by monitoring the context of gift or ghost authorship (according to ICMJE definitions). Duplication is another author problem that we recommend avoiding, that is, submitting the article to two or more journals simultaneously, resulting in unnecessary review, editing and copyright issues. From the editors' side, OLYMPIKA MAGAZINE manages editorial and peer review processes free from potential conflicts of interest that could positively or negatively affect decision-making. Editors and reviewers need to assess their expertise to review the content, and if accepted for review, the time must be predetermined for the review process. And finally, financial assistance from sponsors and advertising should not influence editorial decisions.


Short articles featuring descriptive or retrospective studies, which suggest further research on the topic addressed, are welcome in this section. Texts do not necessarily need to be original or peer-reviewed.

Scientific Article

In this section, manuscripts must fit into the following categories: literature review, case study, bibliometric review, action research and survey. News, conference reviews and interviews can also be published, as long as they meet technical standards for scientific texts.

Review Article

Review articles for this section can be of three types: A) Integrative review (The integrative text is free and comprehensive, and many experts use it to explain the “state of the art” of a subject), B) Narrative review (the choice of publications to be analyzed depends on the author's bias and their expertise in the subject, so it is considered subjective or C) Systematic review (considers the analysis of the methodological quality of the retrieved studies, starting with a specific question and the formulation of a coherent hypothesis, and then formalizing it through a strategy for raise articles on the idealized topic).

Original Article

In this section, reports of original results of empirical or conceptual research are accepted. Here is an example of the structure of the Original Scientific Article according to ABNT - Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas:
Bibliographic references.

Digital Version

In this section, articles originally published in physical support will be republished, aiming at the dissemination and dissemination of relevant research. The mass of knowledge available to mankind depends on the source of learning resources, which can range from old printed documents to presentable electronic material.
The rapid conversion of material available in traditional libraries to digital form takes a significant amount of work. Most printed documents not only contain characters and their formatting, but also some associated non-textual objects such as tables, graphs, and graphic objects. It's a challenge to spot them and focus on preserving the content format while playing them. To help with solving this issue, in our midst, we are looking for important printed material and reformatting for digital publishing. In summary, the aim of this section is to preserve culture by recovering material that could be lost by remaining in print.

Portuguese Version

Although it is editorial policy of OLYMPIKA MAGAZINE to publish original articles, the Editorial Board may, exceptionally, decide to publish a non-original article taking into account its scientific and intellectual relevance and opportunity, especially to increase thematic editions and give the Portuguese-speaking community access to translations of relevant works into Portuguese.
In this case, publication will always depend on obtaining authorization from the holders of rights or a license that allows republication. In any case, this decision is taken considering, on the one hand, criteria of relevance, interest, and quality, defined in accordance with the journal's editorial policy, and, on the other hand, the conformity or ease of adaptation of the article to the publication standards of OLYMPIKA MAGAZINE.

Interview Article

An interview paper provides an expert opinion on a specific issue. Academic papers require you to provide arguments based on studies, research pieces, statistics, etc. But an interview paper is different – for this type of essay, you will develop assumptions around an expert’s opinion. Formats of interview paper: Narrative (implies that you can use either direct or indirect speech when referring to your interviewee); Q & A ("question and answer” will suit your needs perfectly if you interview one person. It is the simplest format used in online magazines, news reports, and other media) and Conversational (conversational style is informal, and you can use either first-person or second-person narrative).

Public Research

The production and distribution of knowledge is a key process in scientific and academic research. This process includes universities and public research institutes, as well as actors as diverse as the Research and Development Departments of companies, citizen scientists and non-profit private research institutes.

In this section the editors of OLYMPIKA MAGAZINE select entities that carry out or finance experimental research and development for the government, higher education institutions or non-profit institutions (associations and foundations) and publish their works in English and/or Portuguese.


The scientific review makes a summary and interpretation of a book, magazine, e-book or other type of work. The author will address the way the work is distributed, the organization and descriptive information of the product. You can present a value judgment on the object under analysis, based on solid references and the presentation of positive and negative points.

Book Chapter

A book chapter is a contribution within a book that addresses a specific topic in depth. In general, book chapters have a longer format than conventional articles and generate extensive discussions on the subject, in addition,  book chapters tend to have a broader audience. Editors may invite authors based on the scope of the work, but not necessarily.

Experience Report

The experience report is a text that describes a given experience that can contribute in a relevant way to your area of ​​activity. It is the description that an author or a team makes of a professional experience considered successful or not, but which contributes to the discussion of the proposed topic. The report must be contextualized, with assertiveness and theoretical reference, without including value judgments, except as opinions "in quotation marks".

The formatting of the experience report may include an introduction, followed by the objectives of the experience and an explanation of the methodologies or details. Finally, the observed results and final considerations are presented, highlighting, expanding the effect of their experience as a potential example for other studies.

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