The importance of disseminating scientific research in Olympic sports
A propagation proposal
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periodicals, olympic sports, publicity, accessibility, scientific researchAbstract
This editorial article advances the field of science by proposing a methodology for the technical composition of publications focused on the work of the publisher converging on the dissemination of scientific research specifically in the area of Olympic sports, notably high performance. The text tries to define sports science and its relevance to society, demonstrates how research in this area has grown in parallel with the increase in the number of publications and publishers, mainly in the areas of medicine and health, and addresses limitations in the scope of magazines and the international regulatory constraints that restrict the publisher, and that will end up making dissemination work difficult for the global community. A methodology is introduced, that is not restricted to the idea of disseminating it to non-academics, but is mainly interested in the academic environment itself, which should benefit from widely understandable and quality access to scientific research from the most different regions and with the most varied supports. The proposal is divided into five methods of dissemination or helping the dissemination process: 1) popularization beyond academia; 2) multilingual publication and appreciation of the native language; 3) promotion of accessibility; 4) investment in responsive design and 5) recovery and translation of physical or difficult-to-access material. The conclusion calls for removing specialized sports journals and scientists from invisibility to reach a new level of equality in the global sphere.
— Issue identifier of 2023 OLYMPIKA MAGAZINE - VOLUME 1 ONLINE - Nº. 001: https://n2t.net/ark:/40019/oly.v1i1
— Issue identifier this article: https://n2t.net/ark:/40019/oly.v1i1.1.g2
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