Doping in sports, an update in Olympic year


  • Jair Rodrigues Garcia Júnior Universidade do Oeste Paulista - Unoeste


Sports Doping, Anti-Doping, Sports Medicine, Ergogenic Substance, Dopants, ergogenesis


Ergogenic resources are directly related to sports performance. From shoes, equipment, nutritional supplements to prohibited medications and methods that artificially improve performance. Part of the population believes that all, or most, Olympic medal-winning and world record-holding athletes use doping substances. There is truly a contingent of athletes, including many who are far from the podiums in competitions, who use it. However, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) together with sports federations control and monitor the main athletes in competitions and during the training period, allowing little scope for illicit and unethical practices. Doping substances cause harm to health and sportsmanship, which is why the education and awareness of coaches and athletes, especially younger ones, must be continuous, recurring and persevering.

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How to Cite

Garcia Júnior JR. Doping in sports, an update in Olympic year. OlyMag [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];2:e002-14. Available from: https://olympika.org/index.php/Olympika-Magazine/article/view/14